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Home > Audio / Video Wall Plates > AV Wallplates > HDMI Wall Plates

HDMI Wall Plates

HDMI Wall Plates

Our HDMI wall plate range is pretty extensive,  We supply single and double gang plates with 1, 2, 4 as many as 8 HDMI sockets on a single plate, 1080P and 4k compatible,  Alternatively we supply HDMI wall plates with additional Audio Video and Computer connectivity ​​​including Digital Optical, Displayport , USB etc,  ALL of our wall plates solutions are now quick connect so there's no need to solder adjoining audio or video cables to the inside of the plate, it's just a case of plug and play. Also feel free to view our back boxes as we provide deep patress boxes up to 50mm in depth ensuring there is plenty of room for the cables once attached to the plate.
